Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Game: Epic'd
Type: LARP
Author: Roy Norvell Graham
Date: 11/2008

Teaser: Patrick O'Harrris watched the city glow underneath from behind the dull glass wall of the elevator, rising towards the 36th floor to bring him to his business meeting that might potentially, if he got very, very lucky, bring him a level up on the corporate ladder. He fixed his tie and took a deep breath of the recycled air running through the typical city building. The numbing drone of elevator music existed in the back of his mind, the front of his brain focused on the sweet kids he would come home to late at night, tucked away under their sheets.

Patrick watched the lights beneath each number light up as the elevator steadily glided upward. 22, 23, 24…. It's just sometimes he got sick of it all. The rat race. The
corporate game. All the competition… but little Neil and Anna made it all worthwhile. 26, 27, 28…. The world was messed up, here, it really was. But those little beauties that filled the world seemed to really show it's true colors, Patrick mused.

31, 32, 33… Patrick lifted his briefcase off the elevator floor and checked his watch. Only 3 minutes late, and this presentation would more than make up for those.

34, 35, and finally 36. Patrick stepped out of the elevator and into the marble hallway just as a force beyond all reason struck against the very fabric of reality. The hallway shattered into infinite shards of space- not the stone and paint, but the very existence of the thing. The world morphed into something entirely different, fitting back together like a scattered jigsaw puzzle.

Artpick spread his paint-brushed wings and soared through the skies, sweeping over the gleaming city of the Kingdom. No longer was he madly in love with his wife, Alice- their paths had never crossed. Now the 33 year old angel, his back filled with feathers of every color, perched upon the marble tower looked down on the bright white, beautiful buildings of the Magic Kingdom.

World Background: Sound Recording

Group Background: The Rebellion: For many years, the Magic Kingdom, the current governing power, ruled without question; and for good reason, too! They helped those in need, and acted with the best interests of mankind. They were the greatest ruling power to ever grace the land. But The Scientist has shown you the truth- he has shown you what will happen if the Magic Kingdom is allowed to continue.
As a soldier of the rebellion, you know the reason the world is like this- why unexplainable magic exists, why the laws of the universe are no longer consistent and uniform. Reality is cracked, and if magic continues to be used in the amount that the Kingdom is using it, reality will… break. To be perfectly clear, if magic use is continued, the cracks in reality will grow. Since magic is the bending and breaking of physics, the more it's used, the closer the universe gets to shattering entirely. But not while you still draw breath! The Rebellion has science on its side, and is armed to the teeth with technology such as steamguns, airships, and a select few even use the laws of physics in their most primal form to take down all who stand in your way. You have to stop this, by any means necessary- even if it means tearing down the one thing bettering mankind. The universe is counting on you.

Character: Neri, the Puppeteer- Every army needs a strategist. Satesbain may be the genius in charge of the Rebellion, and Voden might be a great tactical commander, but if it wasn't for you the Rebellion wouldn't be doing half as well as it is now. You're more behind the scenes than Satesbain, who is the face and leader of the Rebellion, or Voden, who is the battle-hardened and acclaimed general, but you are just as influential as either of them.
Your motives are well known throughout the Rebellion, as you don't truly make any effort to hide them. Your strategies often involve the quickest victory with the least number of lives lost- on the Rebellion, in any case. After watching your friends killed by the Magic Kingdom in combat, you lost your pity for them. However, you are warm and kind to your fellow members of the Rebellion.
Over your years facing down the Magic Kingdom over and over, you seem to have developed a kind of rival. Haronnin the Eclipse, the advisor to the High Sorceress and in a similar position to yourself, has engaged your troops many a time with a force of her own. She has often matched you move for move… something you're not used to. You wish to see the Rebellion succeed, but it is also a personal wish to see Haronnin defeated.

How Game Went: I really don't remember much of this game at all. I know we went up to meet the Magic Kingdom, and I tried to suppress hostilities which I guess wasn't supposed to happen... Haronnin and I exchanged a few appraising/"I'll beat you" glances and exchanges, and then there was the magic bomb. It was a cool premise, but it just didn't stick in my mind.

(From left to right: Naroj (possibly), Jyreme, [unknown kid], Voden, Me, Satesbain, assorted others. Faces blurred on those I couldn't contact for permission.)

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