Monday, January 30, 2012


Game: The Eukaryote Valley Incident
Type: LARP
Authors: Roy Norvell and Quinn Milton
Date: 2/09

Opening connection to v.5.beta-43

Case designation GDT327EVI codename: [Eukaryote Valley Incident]






USERfile: [Interview with Ryan Andrew Silverton]


Wh-where am I? Who are you?

You do not have the liberty to ask questions at this juncture, Mr. Silverton. I do.

How do you know my name?

We know everything about you, Silverton. We know your blood type, your medical history, how many nose hairs you have, your first kiss—Delilah.

What? How did you—

That's not important right now, Mr. Silverton. I need you to answer a few simple questions. We're all trying to help you here. But what we don't know is what happened on February 21, ground zero of the Eukaryote Valley Incident.

… Are you with the CIA?

We have been granted full jurisdiction over this case. Now if you could just answer a few questions. What happened that day?…Please.

Okay, Jesus, but can you turn down that light a bit? It's too bright. -sighs- It was a normal day. Friday, I think. The kids were supposed to go over to their mothers, but I insisted that they stay… dear god, if I hadn't, they might still be [sobs]… [pause, clears throat] We were all at the dinner table. Nothing seemed… strange… until the dog started barking. He got all fidgety, but I thought he was just anxious so I let him out.

And then?

It was a little while later, an hour or so, and then Suzie, my youngest, heard something outside the window. I went up to look, and then something flew through the glass and landed on the table. It was… Jesus Christ, it was my dog, covered in blood, and he was ripped up… and that was when [sobs, muttering] They came through the open window, and they—and they took my darlings! [crying]

Go on. I know this must be hard for you.

[sniff] I grabbed my shotgun and I tried to keep them off. I must have shot this one a dozen times but it didn't do a thing! And then I ran… god strike me down where I stand, I ran like the coward that I am… [incoherent]

What did you do then?

I met up with some other folks who had heard all the ruckus and we laid low in one of the barns. Those things must have taken out a quarter of our whole village that night. They were smart too. They took out our phone lines and power, leaving us stranded. We sent out a few men to find some help, but they never came back.

What did these creatures look like?

God, I can't call them human but they looked like they might have been, once. They were horribly disfigured, each one of them twisted and demented… some had scales, and some with long claws. One even had frost covering his skin… they haunt my nightmares, even to this day. How could something human become that? What could have possibly happened to them… well, when we went into the mountain, we found out.

Thank you. You have been very helpful. Your cooperation will not go unnoticed.

I just want to forget about it all, you know?

Indeed I do, Mr. Silverton. Now, if you would please look into this red light…

What is—








session terminated

World Background: The World in 2034 is much like it has been for the last three decades. War has consumed most of the globe and all major economies, global warming has ski-rocketed along with the price for "friendly-energy" vehicles, the CIA is corrupt and America is still the big bully on the playground. In 2029 we reached the next final frontier—Mars—and have been growing greenhouses there for the past five years. Major scientific breakthroughs, including the prevention of cancer, have caused the funding for education and science facilities to go through the roofs. In 2030, Congress deemed genetic engineering and stem cell research constitutional. This enraged many active Catholics, and has sparked a lot more controversy… but their protests have widely been ignored. There was one thing that surprised a lot of historians. In the last decade, agriculture has expanded over the states. More and more area has been bought for farmland, due to the fall of major fast-food companies. One of these bountiful farmlands is that of Eukaryote Valley.

Eukaryote Valley is mostly crops and farms. There is a small town at the base of the mountain, but besides that there isn't civilization for miles. The mountain is hollowed out, and inside is the country's largest science-research facility. The base has all of the latest technology and is where most of the USA's secret experiments are taking place. If you don't know where the entrance is to the mountain, you will never find it. The place is so secure that an atomic bomb could be dropped on it, but the labs would still remain intact. Most of the scientists who work in the mountain live in the small village.

Recently a few people who live at the edge of town have gone missing, and so the mayor has called a town meeting in order to address some of the questions around this. That was when the Eukaryote Valley Incident began. The unlucky survivors were all placed in an asylum. Some of them wouldn't stop screaming about the nightmares. Others simply sat in their rooms in silence for the rest of their lives. When the Red Cross came to the Valley, they reported that a number of villagers and scientists were [CLASSIFIED] and, to everyone's shock, cancerous. As for the base, the science labs had been destroyed. Hardly any evidence remained as to what exactly happened on February 21st, 2034, at ground zero of the Eukaryote Valley Incidence

Group Background: Mutants:

This report contains irrefutable evidence noting the existence of biologically-altered humans. It is this group of mutants that is believed to be the perpetrators behind the Eukaryote Valley Incident. Upon further research and interrogation of a subject captured at ground zero, our sources learned that these mutants were a result of a project run by Helix Labs 2 years previous to the Eukaryote Valley Incident. Reports confirm that this project was similar to the BioUpgrades being developed by the company at the time of the incident. Our agents in the field have reason to believe that the mutated humans present during the Incident were acting with a vengeful motivation. All mutants reported on or acquired have been extensively altered, and possess powerful biological abilities.

Characters: Amanda Clarke
You are the head chef at the local at the Olive Garden, but you really hate it there. You want your own restaurant. You are currently in a committed relationship with one of the scientists in Helix Labs, (Benjy).

When you were a normal human, you suffered with a terminal disease most of your life. At a young age you were on your deathbed. In a last ditch effort to save yourself, you volunteered for an experimental program for human enhancement at Helix labs. The experiment went horribly wrong, and you were mutated out of control. You lost your sanity, but gained something else—the power to emit and control sleep and toxic vapors. Ever since that fateful day you have been running around with a pack of mutants, lead by Uriel.

How Game Went: Oh man. Oh man, you guys. Oh man. So yeah, I, uh... I enjoyed this game a lot. This was one of my first times not only as big bad, but as someone with free reign to go a little murdery... So, yeah. I'm going to link to a video recording of the game, so I'll just go over the bits after my scripted death. Another mutant and I basically ran around, tormenting people, and catching one or two of them alone a few times. (I'm afraid I murdered Flam a couple times as we were kind of near Re.) Then we went on to the main plot, which was something about terrifying the scientists (one of whom was Uriel's twin, Ariel) into setting up a huge thing to destroy us or turn everyone else into mutants (I was never quite sure which). While the terrifying people was fun, game was over a lot sooner than people expected, and my friend and I had been holding back on killing so that we didn't unnecessarily deplete the PC teams. All in all, though, I had a lot of fun toying with people and killing them ruthlessly!


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